The Peerless "Kick Start" fan is one that is not come upon often. In fact, I know almost nothing about this fan. We were lucky enough to come across this one and purchased it for the White Glove Fans inventory. The fan is complete and totally original aside from one missing strut. This fan will be given a thorough White Gloves restoration in its entirety. All original parts will be preserved, the paint will shine and the brass will glow.
Please post any questions or comments about this fan in the discussion messaging below. If you would like to contact us about this fan, please do so using the Contact Us form.
Some pictures now for your enjoyment. More later.
An East coast blizzard didn't stop these White Glove fanners. We drove through it just to look at this rare fan. Taking it home was an added benefit.
White Glove fanners Tim Marks (left) and John Carvallo (right) proudly displaying their find.
This is the face of one happy fanner!